15 March 2022

fairy tales forlorn


This study was done sometime in 2019 and I probably didn't like it then when it was painted but I see it once in a while while looking for paintings in the photo files. I understand now that it is something remarkable for me and thankfully I don't worry about what others think of it.

The skies have been very tormented and full of water over the last few months. It's a sky that is difficult to 'get' which is why I see something special in this one. I got it, something anyway. It works, and probably took 15 minutes or so, maybe twenty at the outside. And yet it expresses everything I feel in front of a sky like this. And because it was done so long ago, (relatively speaking) for a painter's life is measured in dog time; at ten, they are already old, so a picture made three years ago is mature, and this does allow me distance to judge it fairly.

But it isn't just the feeling of the tormented sky but also the brooding dark sea that I freely appreciate. It is the way that both the sea and sky seem to be glued on very same plane, flattened like two dried flowers and compressed into a book of fairy tales by a young girl who locked them in a coffin between two pages. 

Honestly, I think it is one of the most successful things I have made in this series. Though it wouldn't appeal to a mass public, other painters might see something in it. And I secretly wish that I had the formula to make others like this today because I feel like a beginner again.

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