07 October 2009


I have been criticized for my Post on Polanski by a woman friend who rightly found it dreadful (répréhensible) that I seemed more concerned with the innocence of Polanski's children and wife than I did about the 13 year old child victim who was drugged and sodomized by Polanski. I was wrong (tort) to have left that impression. I assumed that it was a given, that she was THE victim of the crime which was committed so long ago. In following this story, I suppose that I have been too carried away by my outrage (indignation) at the absence of any moral clarity in so many of his supporters both in America and in France. To me, their arguments are weak, (faible), pitiful (pitoyable) and undignified (indigne).
I want to be clear: I am sorry for all grown woman and all 13 year old girls who have been abused by men. 
I am also still sorry for Polanski's family.

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